
Mission Giving

In 2024, the PCC agreed to give away 10% of our annual income to demonstrate the generosity we’ve received from others. After careful consideration, they have now chosen the following charities for St Mary’s Bearwood to support as we seek to support God’s kingdom in all its fullness in Bearwood and beyond:

Thank you for all your giving that enables us to support these worthy recipients.

Sandwell Clothing Bank

Run by Sandwell Churches’ Link

In the midst of the Cost-of-Living Crisis, with so many in our communities struggling to heat their homes, pay bills, and even feed their families, Sandwell Clothing Bank distributes free brand-new clothing and shoes to those in our community who need them the most.

The Clothing Bank receives surplus unsold clothing and shoes which are then sorted and distributed through a network of local partner organisations. Dignity and self-esteem are being restored, a sense of identity and confidence increased, and what limited resources available to families has been focused on the provision of other everyday essentials such as food and heating.

St Mary’s Bearwood provides resources and administration support to Sandwell Clothing Bank, helping to ensure that the partner organisations are able to most effectively get the right shoes and clothes to the people who need them, for example rough sleepers, recently arrived refugees, foodbank and pantry clients, students and disability groups.


We are pleased to support and work with our neighbouring churches in the Bearwood and Smethwick area. We have regular joint services with Warley Woods Methodist, Bearwood Baptist and Warley Baptist churches.

We also support the Smethwick Food Bank as a collection point.

Oversight Area

Church of England Birmingham are encouraging closer collaborative working between parishes to further the Kingdom of God beyond our parish boundaries. We are grouped together with our neighbouring churches of St Hilda’s Warley Woods, Smethwick Old Church and St Matthew w/ St Chad Smethwick. Together we are discerning areas of co-operation and collaboration in our local area.